2020 Season Suspended
MSA Families,
Over the last four months the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all of our lives in a variety of ways. The normal we once knew is gone, and the virus has changed our lives in the way we interact with people and certainly in our ability to participate in sports.
Throughout the summer your MSA Board has been closely monitoring the impacts of the COVID-19 situation to determine the future of the 2020 season. It is with regret that we have made the very difficult decision to suspend the 2020 season indefinitely. As a Board, protecting the safety of our players, their families, and our community is of the utmost importance.
We cannot in good conscience play a soccer season with 450+ kids and ensure safety from the virus for our players, coaches, volunteers and referees. In addition, our facilities are further limited this year due to the inability to utilize the elementary and middle school fields.
That being said, we have done the legwork behind the scenes to put the rosters together, so that should the opportunity arise to transition the season to the spring, the Board will evaluate the options and certainly proceed if possible. You will not need to re-sign up as we will simply utilize the current rosters that we have, if the green light is given by the State and County governing bodies.
We will be communicating on our Facebook page, as well as the website www.mountaintopsoccerassociation.org, throughout the process and will provide updates on a regular basis.
Thank you all for your patience during these uncertain times. Our MSA organization is strong and will come back even stronger when it is safe to do so!
- Mountaintop Soccer Association Board