Loch Lynn Soccer Complex Will Have Lights!!

Published: September 21, 2021


Mountaintop Soccer Association and the Mayor and Town Council of Loch Lynn Heights have been officially notified by way of the Department of National Resources from Local Parks and Playgrounds Infrastructure Grant allocated to the Garrett County Board of County Commissioners that the Commissioners have fully awarded the funding to install state-of-the art lighting on the soccer fields at the Loch Lynn Soccer Complex.

Construction is scheduled to begin this November!!

Please help us show our sincere appreciation to the Garrett County Board of Commissioners (Paul Edwards, Jim Hinebaugh and Larry Tichnell), the Mayor and Town Council of Loch Lynn Heights (Carolyn Corley and the Town Council) and your MSA Board of Directors for all the work behind the scenes to make this huge project a reality.

A true game-changer for the future of MSA Soccer!!!

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