Soccer Camp is Coming!
Bethany Soccer Camps will be back again from Sunday, July 21 to Wednesday July 24 holding a soccer camp at Loch Lynn for all kids ages 4-10.
The camp is staffed by numerous coaches including Dr. John Cunningham, a National Championship coach from Bethany College. The sessions for kids aged 4-6 will be from 5:45-7:15 each evening and for kids aged 7-10 from 5:45-8:00 each evening. Cost is $60 if paid prior to 7/16 and $65 if paid after 7/16 for ages 4-6 and $95 if paid by 7/16 and $100 if paid after 7/16 for ages 7-10.
Registration can be completed online at or applications can be picked up and completed at Boal and Associates (317 E Oak Street) in Oakland. The camp is a great opportunity for your kids to receive instruction from nationally recognized coaches so don't miss out!